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A Trip to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science
171212 - we went to Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science in UPM for a field trip. This faculty had been operated for decades and had been awarded 5-star rank last year for their great achievements in researches and products. There we were exposed to more details in biotechnology field. We were divided into four groups and have to go through all four stations of different activities.


The Facilitator for Station A- Animal Cell Culture

breast cancer cell- MCF7 structure

Laminar Airflow- where all the chemical process is done

Inverted microscope- to see cells inside the flask

In STATION A -Animal Cell Culture; the facilitators showed us a breast cancer cell- MCF7. There are two types of cell: 1) adherent where the cells attached to the bottom of the flask and; 2) suspension where the cells floats and can move. The MCF7 is in the adherent state when it is still in the old media. Then after it is transferred into a new media it became a suspension. It is then stored in CO2 Incubator for it to stay alive. Cell culture is important and used for; 1) model system, 2) toxicity testing, 3) cancer research, 4) virology, 5) cell based manufacturing, 6) genetic engineering, 7) gene therapy and; 8) drug screening and development.


Cultured tobacco plant

The facilitator is showing how callus is produced from the wounding of leaf

Station B- Plant Tissue Culture  facilitator

While in STATION B- Plant Tissue Culture; we were exposed to how plants is cultured or in other word; cloned. The plant that the facilitator showed us is tobacco plant. The cloning process of the plant started with the cutting of the healthiest leaf of the plant. The leaf which has been cut into pieces were then put into a petri dish which contains suitable media. After 2-4 weeks, the callus will started to appear and it has to be transferred into a media that contains cytokinin and oksin. These two hormones function are to stimulate the growth of shoot and root of the callus. These process will enhance the production of trees (eg. banana and tobacco plants) and also help to clone endangered plants like orchids.


Station C- DNA Fingerprinting

Gel Electrophoresis Machine

STATION C- DNA Fingerprinting; In this section, we learnt about crime scene investigating. We learnt how to search for the real murderer just from a tiny little hair or just a drop of blood. First we have to understand about DNA and genome. DNA is soluble in water but not in alcohol. Some ethanol were added to the suspect's blood to break the cell membrane and to obtain the DNA. The DNA was then cut by restriction enzymes. Then, we were shown a gel electrophoresis machine. The machine is used to see the size of the DNA fragments. By using the machine, the DNA which is negatively charged will attracted and flow to the anode when the electricity flows through it. To see DNA, it has to be attached to a membrane and can only be seen through a film.


50 litre- Stirred Tank Bioreactor machine

A lab-sized Bioreactor machine

The last station we went to is STATION D- Bioreactor; it is important because it is used to duplicates or replicates the studied cell. For example it is used in big factory to duplicates yeast or probiotics. The bioreactor provides the cells with suitable and optimum temperature, humidity, nutrients, hormones and etc. This can ensure a good condition for the cells. Without this machine, we can only use the cells that we have for laboratory use. 

After being there for about half a day, we went back with more knowledge about biotechnology.
Just one part of what we'd learnt.

Biotech and PERMATApintar Negara.

Biotechnology is one of the courses provided in PERMATApintar Negara (PPN) Summer Camp. This course was provided to 15 years old participants. There are two classes all together in the summer camp for 3 weeks consisting of 38 students all over Malaysia. We were chosen after several IQ tests hosted by PPN UKM. In this course, we were exposed to the basics of biology and chemistry and we were guided to be a successful businessman in biotechnology field. We were taught from the very tiny DNA and guided step by step to reach the best.


Bio means living system and organisms; while technology means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Biotechnology together means the uses of living system and organisms to produce a useful product.