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Bio Air- (Air Purifier)

Bio Air is our fourth idea with the purpose to keep the world more clean and pollution-free. As the world goes on with polluted air, Bio Air is produced to help solve this major problem and to reduce the rate of air pollution in our developing country. The smoke that are released from the factory and vehicles everyday contain many dangerous components such as carbon monoxide. This will effect our health drastically if it is not being handled in time.
 Therefore, Bio Air which acts as air purifier is made up of four filter layers which are the philodendron, dracaenas, rubber plant and palm plant. All these plants are specifically chosen for their different functions that can help in purifying the air especially from factories. The philodendron is a flowering plant that produces decent smell while dracaenas is very adaptable and can grow in various surroundings. The rubber plant is an excellent purifier as it absorbs all the toxins found in the air around it. Palm plant function as a medium to reduce the effect of chemical toxins in the air.

 Overall, Bio Air is also an environmental product that helps to reduce the effects of global warming or to be short it is environmental friendly product. In a nutshell, Bio Air functions as a tool to transform polluted air into a clean air.

The Air Purifier model

The Air Purifier Team!


BiotechPERMATApintar said...


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